Friday, 30 September 2016

Horror Conventions- Paranormal Activity 4

Below is a film poster for the horror film 'Paranormal Activity 4'.

  • The central image on the film poster suggest to us that it is frighting and disoriented. This can be seen with the shadow figure appearing behind the central protagonist sleeping. With the iconography, the audience can see that this film is going to be a horror. The image also gives the target audience a hint knowing that the women who is sleeping will be a vulnerable victim in the film. The gesture code to communicate information to us is a disturbing event.
  • There are 2 tag lines shown here "It's closer than you think" "All the activity has led to this". This creates anticipation for the target audience because it makes us wonder and think what the message is trying to persuade us to think. This therefore creates mystery, because you can tell that there are many explanations to what this quote means.
  • The title appears underneath the central image. This has been done because to make the target audience see more of the picture rather than the film title. This is because the image takes up half of the space on the poster. The colour of the writing is in red because it symbolises the blood. The title can be seen as a faint of blurriness. The faint blurriness symbolises the genre of horror especially because things will be happening quick to create suspense and puzzle the target audience. The number '4' in the title is in a bigger font and a different colour. This makes the audience realise that this is the 4th film of Paranormal Activity. In relation to this, the number '4' can link to the colour of the background image which is filled with light blue. This could relate to the camera recording something due to the screening of the image.
  • The website is at the bottom of the film poster. The website on the poster persuades the target audience who likes this type of film can go to the official site to keep updated with the information.
  • The release date for the film is right at the bottom of the film poster. This produces a closer run-up to a film's release.
  • The background of the poster is in black colour. This makes the picture stand out and the title of the film. Therefore, the poster is eye-catching for the audience.

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