Friday, 30 September 2016

My Marketing Campaign

I have finally chosen which genre I will be focusing on. This is the horror genre. I have been doing allot of research to see what aspects are needed in the horror genre.

Below is a link which is about horror films:

After gathering information about horror films, I found the following:

  • Horror films often deal with viewers nightmares and fears of the unknown.
  • Horror films tend to give out negative emotion to the audience who is watching the film.
  • Plots in any horror films tends to have events into the everyday world.
Some successful horror films are:
  1. I Am A Legend (2007)- directed by Francis Lawrence. This made $256.39million at the box office. 
  2. The Exorcist (1973)- directed by William Friedkin. This made $204.57million at the box office. 
  3. World War Z (2013)- directed by Marc Forster. This made $202.35million at the box office.

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