Monday, 8 May 2017

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?- Teaser Trailer

For the main part of my coursework, I needed to make a teaser trailer to advertise my potential film. In order to create my teaser trailer, I had to plan, film and edit my teaser trailer. What I did was that I researched into the conventions. I did this to get an understanding on what I should put in my own trailer.

To begin with, I looked at the similarities and differences between theatrical and teaser trailers as I thought it would understand what I should put in a teaser and trailer and what to leave out. I looked at two films that had both a teaser and theatrical trailer. Here are the links below:

After doing this, I learnt that teasers trailers are shorter than theatrical trailers and that I cannot reveal too much information in it. I then wanted to focus on teaser trailers and look into their conventions so that I know what I need to include in mine to make it look realistic. I analysed 5 different teaser trailers advertising films from different genres. 

 I found that all teaser trailers have the same conventions regardless of their genre. Some of the conventions include images from the film, tagline, music, a variety of shots and camera angles, sound effects etc. Below is a full list of the conventions that I found:

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