Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Shot List

  1. Aerial Shot: of the city 
  2. LS: of detective sitting in cafe, (close up) or Medium shot or try taking it from the sides. 
  3. OTSH: looking at wanted poster of the killer. 
  4. ELS: the detective looks up 
  5. OTSH: sees on the other side of the road the killer 
  6. LS: Of where the killer was standing 
  7. PAN: detective rushing out 
  8. OTSH: serial killer disappearing after the bus goes by. 
  9. LS: victim being trapped “please don’t kill me. I’d do anything”. 
  10. CU: of killers feet walking 
  11. MLS: killers back 
  12. Over Shoulder shot: killer getting tools placed out 
  13. LAS: Killer scraping knives 
  14. CU: of victim saying “you got the wrong guy” 
  15. MCU: of the killer stabbing the victim. 
  16. LS: Of where another victim was killed 
  17. CU: of the victim which is dead 
  18. CU: note resting on body for a moment, hand enters frame and slowly removes note.
  19. MCU/CU: low angle onto detective face, reacting to note. Note comes into frame (Note says Detectives, I am always one step ahead of you. Try to catch me before i kill more). “He is keeping a close eye on us.” (after the hand shot take another shot from ground up to get detectives reaction to the note. Also, get a shot of the note itself). 
  20. LS: of the 2nd detective walking through college gates 
  21. OSS: Walking into the building and going in the detective's room 
  22. PAN: From near the leader across the room 
  23. CU: Leader saying : ‘Please sit detective’ 
  24. Angle shot: Of leader saying ‘detective looker meet your new partner detective….’ 
  25. Opposite angle: Looker saying: i can solve this case by myself. I do not even know her. Opposite angle: Leader saying ‘Well get to know her then. You know what the mission is. I will say it again. Haunt the serial killer who has been killing innocent victims’.
  26.  LS: of second detective sitting down and saying “ I know you don’t want me but we can solve this case together. My ideas and your planning and analysing can solve this case.
  27.  LS: the detectives at the office planning on board “Lets plan out where he already killed and try to see if there is a pattern”. 
  28. TWO SHOT: “U do that, and I will track the writing in the letter” 
  29. MCU: “I don’t know whats happening, and I don’t think there is a pattern” 
  30. CU: “Are you sure, I presume there must be a way that we are not seeing with our own eyes”. 
  31. MCU: the phone calls. Killer: “the game starts now detectives. Tic Tok try and find me or more people will be dead”. 
  32. TRACKING SHOT: the detectives chasing the serial killer — putting the camera at an angle near the person running. Do the same again but move the camera to another angle like / \ (and then when it comes to editing you merge them together. )“Stop right there”. 

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